The Overview

School District 61 P.A.C.s

The Greater Victoria School District (SD61) has 45 schools spanning Elementary, Middle and Secondary schools. SD61 has schools located in View Royal, Esquimalt, Victoria, Oak Bay, Gordon Head, Strawberry Vale and more.

These schools work tirelessly every day to ensure that every child has a quality education, a supportive environment and they need to succeed in their daily life.

We're teaming up with select SD61 Parent Advisory Councils (P.A.C.s) whose roles include being a conduit between parents and school administration; putting on events to bring families together; and raising funds for things like field trips, musical performances and classroom technology.

SD61 P.A.C.s's Mandate

Organized by parent volunteers, each individual P.A.C. is on a mission with school administrators and staff to create an enriching learning environment for all students!

Subscribe & Support SD61 P.A.C.s

For every SD61 P.A.C.s BCause Box ordered, we'll donate 5% towards their General P.A.C Funds.

Any funds raised through the BCause subscription box programs will be used to better students at the individual school level. Funds may be used to put on events to bring families together, field trips, musical performances or classroom technology to name a few.

Subscribe, Save & Support!

Sign up for one of the BCause Subscription boxes and help raise funds for select SD61 P.A.Cs.