NEED2 runs a wide array of programs both in person and online geared towards breaking the silence and ending the stigma that is associated with suicide. NEED2's focus is on providing education, prevention and support for those affected by suicide through their programs including:
Various in-school education programs that give youth of all ages the skills they need to identify mental health crisis in themselves and others while also spreading awareness for resources. Additionally, the NEED2 team also helps to teach mindfulness workshops to youth to help teach good mental health practices.
NEED2 hosts an ongoing support group for folks who have experienced suicide loss. This unique online group provides a sense of community, understanding and support for participants who have experienced suicide loss from others who know what its like.
NEED2 also conducts additional in-community suicide prevention programs including their SafeTALK workshops, ASIST certification program, Suicide Education Awareness for Adults and more. All of their programs are geared towards teaching the public how to identify mental health crisis by recognizing signs, providing skilled intervention, developing safety plans and more.