The Overview

AVI Health & Community Services

On September 17, 1985, five men (Wayne Cook, Don MacIvor, Roy Salonin, John Spencer, and Grant Sullivan) sat around a kitchen table and decided it was time to meet the challenge posed by the AIDS epidemic on Vancouver Island. These five men saw the growing need for accurate and up-to-date information and services relating to HIV/AIDS. That evening saw the birth of AIDS Vancouver Island (Now AVI Health and Community Services), with the founders forming the first Board of Directors.

Since its inception AVI has been a beacon to so many people in the communities they serve – Campbell River, Courtney/Comox, Nanaimo, Westshore, and Victoria. Each day staff work tirelessly to deliver on AVI’s mission to promote health, dignity, and well-being for all people affected by HIV, HCV, and substance use by delivering sex-positive and harm reduction based education, prevention, and support services.

AVI's Mandate

Their Mission

AVI’s mission is to promote health, dignity, and well-being for all people affected by HIV, HCV, and substance use by delivering sex-positive and harm reduction based education, prevention, and support services.

Their Vision

AVI envisions a community where all people affected by HIV, HCV, or substance use have equitable access to the support and services necessary to experience optimal health and well-being.

AVI's Programs & Services

AVI provides education and prevention information to schools, the broader community and populations at increased risk of contracting HIV and/or hepatitis C. Evidence demonstrates that comprehensive prevention programs can help to effectively contain HIV, hepatitis C, and other communicable diseases.

Through their Positive Wellness Program, AVI Health & Community Services provides integrated services to individuals living with HIV and/or hepatitis C, including advocacy and support with income assistance, access to nutrition, health care services, employment, housing, disability status applications and legal matters; short-term counseling focused on immediate needs and outcomes; non-judgmental education and support for treatment, side effects and symptoms.

Additionally AVI, runs several other crucial programs including their Community Led Crisis Response program (CLCR), and Prescribed Safe Supply programs.

Subscribe & Support AVI

For every AVI BCause Box ordered, we'll donate partial proceeds towards their Positive Wellness Program.

The Positive Wellness Program provides nutritious food to those living with, or at risk of HIV and/or Hepatitis C, who also may struggle with homelessness or substance use.

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