The Overview

How the BCause Box Program Works

Did you know that partial proceeds from everything BCause sells benefits local 'causes' throughout Greater Victoria? Pretty cool, huh?

Simply find the product you're looking for and select the 'cause' you want to support from the drop down menu. Add the item to your cart and we will do the rest!

Are you part of a not-for-profit that would like to register your organization for the BCause Box program? Send us an email to learn more using the button below 👇

✨ Get to Know Your 'Causes' ✨

1Up Single Parent Resource Centre

1Up Victoria Single Parent Resource Centre is a registered charitable organization that has been committed to serving the varied and changing needs of single parent families in the Greater Victoria area since 1978. They provide practical support, opportunities for growth and a sense of hope to single parent families across Greater Victoria.

AVI Health & Community Services

Since its inception AVI has been a beacon to so many people in the communities they serve – Campbell River, Courtney/Comox, Nanaimo, Westshore, and Victoria. Each day staff work tirelessly to deliver on AVI’s mission to promote health, dignity, and well-being for all people affected by HIV, HCV, and substance use by delivering sex-positive and harm reduction based education, prevention, and support services.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria

Young people are more likely to grow up successfully when they experience developmental relationships with important people in their lives. Developmental relationships are close connections through which young people discover who they are, cultivate abilities to shape their own lives, and learn how to engage with and contribute to the world around them. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Victoria's (BBBSV) goal is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people.

Community Living Victoria

As the largest non-profit community living service provider on Vancouver Island, Community Living Victoria provides a range of support services to children, youth and adults with intellectual disabilities and their families.

Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre

The Esquimalt Military Family Resource Centre (EMFRC) is a not for profit organization that helps military members and their families navigate and celebrate all facets of military family life.

Island Kids Cancer Association

The Island Kids Cancer Association (IKCA) was formed in 2017 to fill a gap in services on Vancouver Island. After a childhood cancer diagnosis, families often need to spend time on the mainland in Vancouver for treatments, but the support needs to exist in their home communities as well. Beyond medical expertise and experience, families need to live and navigate their experiences, connect with one another, and receive access to supportive resources such as financial assistance and mental health and wellness opportunities. IKCA fills this gap to support families through this difficult journey.

Need2 Suicide Prevention, Education & Support

NEED2 has the unenviable task of continually talking about an issue loaded with stigma and silence; suicide. Despite the fact that suicide has impacted the lives of most people, it remains a topic avoided in mainstream conversations and media. NEED2 is working hard to change that; utilizing their programs to provide prevention education and support to create suicide safer communities across Vancouver Island and BC as a whole.

Rainbow Kitchen

Founded in 2010, Rainbow Kitchen is a family-friendly community kitchen that specializes in providing delicious meals and connecting the community to resources. Their dedicated team of staff and volunteers have helped grow Rainbow Kitchen into the second largest soup kitchen in Greater Victoria!

If you or someone you know is in need of food, Rainbow Kitchen can help. Everyone is welcome, no questions asked! With a variety of programs centered around food security, Rainbow Kitchen serves over 10,000 meals every month.

School District 61 PACs

The Greater Victoria School District (SD61) has 45 schools spanning Elementary, Middle and Secondary schools. SD61 has schools located in View Royal, Esquimalt, Victoria, Oak Bay, Gordon Head, Strawberry Vale and more.

We're teaming up with select SD61 Parent Advisory Councils (P.A.C.s) whose roles include being a conduit between parents and school administration; putting on events to bring families together; and raising funds for things like field trips, musical performances and classroom technology.

Victoria Native Friendship Centre

The Victoria Native Friendship Centre started out in 1970 with 1 person and a phone. Now, VNFC offers 55 programs and wrap around services for urban Indigenous people out of a decommissioned elementary school along with off-site affordable housing units and a medical clinic.

A dedicated staff of 140 people provide 55 programs and services to the 20,000 off-reserve Indigenous people in community, as well as supporting 4,500 on-reserve citizens in the 10 local Nations.

Ready to start supporting a local 'Cause'? Get started by selecting a product below 👇